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Epic road trip days 14-19, June 11th-16th, 2019:

Finding decent internet is like looking for oasis in the desert.  Oh, all the campgrounds claim to have WiFi, but sharing that limited access with 200 other travelers tends to create a bottleneck.  I’m thinking once a week updates is all I can hope to achieve for the foreseeable future.  Videos will probably be very limited.  I can upload occasionally directly to Facebook if I keep the video very short.

June 11th had us arriving at a surreal canyon of towering ‘hoodoos’.  Bryce Canyon National Park is small, but extremely interesting to tour.  The kids really enjoyed the visit, because Aiden had a project this past year in science talking about the formation of hoodoos.  He made me take many photos and when I get a chance I plan to email them to his science teacher.  The altitude in the park was fairly high and the weather was nice, so hiking down into the canyon wasn’t an impossible task.  We spent a good half day hiking and driving this interesting area.

The next few days were spent doing some much needed relaxation, laundry, washing the cars and the Poodle, fixing a few minor things around the trailer, and touring some Airforce bases.  We did visit Antelope Island located in the Great Salt Lake and spent one day up in Park City having some fun riding the alpine slide and coaster as we made our way north into Idaho.

ShoShone Falls in Idaho was a breathtaking stop.  It is considered the Niagara of the West for good reason.  The water levels were low during our visit, but still spectacular. If you find yourself near Twin Falls, do yourself a favor and see this wonder.

We move into Oregon tomorrow.  I’m pretty excited about this, because Oregon is one of only 2 states I have never visited.  Once we are finished with this trip, I will only need to venture up to Maine.


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