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Welcome to the Colonel's Caravan

Keith, Becky, Aiden, and Kenzie's

  Adventures Post Military Life

Two months in a travel trailer?

Oh yes! Traveling is our passion, but until now we have been limited to one week vacations. Keith is both a soldier and a physician, so his spare time was not flexible. He has served his country for 20 years with both pride and dedication, and now we are ready to take a new step in a new direction. Finally, after nearly three decades of school and military life we can test the waters and see exactly how mobile living works with both kids and dogs.  This could be something we decide to take on full time, or maybe we want a more stable home with frequent shorter trips.  Our adventure should give us a clue to the next step in our life.


How did we pick our route?

This trip has been in the works for several years.  When we sketched out the initial plan, it was vastly different than what will happen in June 2019.  Did you know that in Glacier National Park the famous Road to the Sun opens in July?  I didn’t until I started my research.  Once I knew that little fact, it shaped the foundation of the rest of our journey.  We may never make it back to that part of the world and it would be a huge mistake to arrive when we couldn’t see the highlight of the park.  This is the reason for this blog.  Sharing knowledge is our second passion!

Where are we going?

With both our military and canine travels, we have gathered friends from all over the world.  If you would like to meet us in person during our summer 2019 tour, let us know!  Even if you are not near our travels, you can read the details and learn from our experiences!  Why did we pick this route?  What do we hope to see and do at each stop?

Travel Itinerary

Our plans have changed over the month, as Keith settled on a final job in Huntsville, AL.  We start our journey in San Antonio, TX and end month one in Seattle, WA.  Month two will be Vancouver, BC, Canada and back down to family in Arkansas before arriving in Huntsville, AL.  We will visit:



